My village Sumbersuko

 My Village Sumbersuko

 Hey guys.  How are you doing during this pandemic?  Boring?  That's for sure, now if you are bored you can visit my village "Sumbersuko". You want to know what is in my village?  Come see more !.

  "Gate sumbersuko"

 Sumbersuko village gate

 This gate shows that you will enter a clean and green sumbersuko village.  Sumbersuko village also has a very enchanting natural beauty.

     "gain knowledge"


 Gaining knowledge is very important for a bright future.  Therefore, it is necessary to have a school, by going to school we are able to increase our knowledge and can do new things that we have never done before.  For example, making handicrafts, participating in albanjari, Adiwiyata and various kinds of competitions.  Like the school in my village, namely "Sumbersuko 2 Public Elementary School", here every student is trained to become outstanding students.

"Its time to relax"

 Source of kambang.

 As the name suggests, the source of the kambang is a place where there is a spring that comes down from Mount Arjuna.  If you want to swim while enjoying the natural atmosphere then you can come to the "source of kambang" in my village.  Not only is there a spring, but the source of the flower also has a very beautiful view.  You can also see directly the vehicles passing by on the toll road while you are relaxing at the source of the floating area.  If you are bored, you can just take photos and do morning exercise.  The air at the source of the kambang is very cool, not only that the source of the kambang also has a unique tree shape, the tree at the source of the kambang has a very old age.

"Places to eat"( warung santuy)"

 if you are tired while doing activities at the source of kambang, you can visit the "santuy shop" which is located not far from the source area of ​​the kambang.  in that place you can enjoy various kinds of dishes such as meatballs, tofu eggs, pecel rice, and various kinds of drinks.  the place also has a very cool atmosphere.  "Warung Santuy" also provides microphones for people who want to sing to just release their fatigue.


      "Worship ( Baitur Rokhman Mosque)"

 Worship is very important.  As Muslims, we must pray 5 times a day.

 If you visit my village, then you will not feel worried about being late for prayers because my village has a clean and holy mosque.  The mosque in Sumbersuko is called the Baitur Rokhman Mosque.

How?  interested?  let's visit my village.

Name: Mar'atul Jamilah

Class: X ips 1

Number: 18




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